.NET Building Blocks is a set of core Internet Services. Web Services Web Services provide data and services to other applications. Future applications will access Web Services via standard Web Formats (HTTP, HTML, XML, and SOAP), with no need to know how the Web Service itself is implemented. Web Services are main building blocks in the Microsoft .NET programming model. Standard Communication Official Web standards (XML, UDDI, SOAP) will be used to describe what Internet data is, and to describe what Web Services can do. Future Web applications will be built on flexible services that can interact and exchange data, without the loss of integrity. Internet Storages .NET offers secure and addressable places to store data and applications on the Web. Allowing all types of Internet devices (PCs, Palmtops, Phones) to access data and applications. These Web Services are built on Microsoft's existing NTFS, SQL Server, and Exchange technologies. Internet Dynamic Delivery Reliable automatic...