
Showing posts from 2005
Other cool links Java and .Net interoperability from Microsoft Open source Aspect Oriented Programming, blogger and so on: a very nice web site ASP .Net 2.0 official home: from O'Reilly: Explore MySQL in the Microsoft .Net environment: Unit testing with open source technos:,289521 ,sid26 _tax288917,00.html .Net Compact framework open source Enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cool links Hey guys, here are some cool links of Microsoft .Net great resources. OpenNetCF Mono project (I have tried to download the project but it seems to be big in size) The mono documentation library (great and good for learning) OpenNetCF forums DotNetNuke Ajax Microsoft .Net on Wikipédia: .Net vs J2EE Only 4 Gurus a very nice web site Enjoy !!!!
Biztalk Server brings the process to everybody To automate a business process, an analyst must first diagram the steps of a complex transaction — ordering for goods, for example — from receipt to completion. These diagrams become the model developers then use to craft a stage-by-stage pipeline to meet the analyst’s requirements. Pipelines are then integrated into processes, and the processes are integrated into orchestrations, their deployed form. The core purpose of BizTalk Server remains, but Microsoft has redesigned or enhanced almost everything around that core. Except as noted below, Microsoft got BizTalk Server 2004 very, very right. With this iteration of the suite, analysts can alter the behavior of transactions — even transactions currently in operation — by creating simple business rules that bypass the need for redevelopment. Using an Excel spreadsheet, any authorized observer can extract transaction status and statistics in real time. Microsoft has also reached out to a neg...
Moroccan .Net community Hi guys, there is a nice web site for the moroccan .net community that we want everybody to see. The link is there . Many good stuffs are being done on the site See in particular the articles section. I have published there the following articles: Securing data server acceses: Common Language Runtime Hosts: Overview of Open .Net technologies: Secure .Net coding: Transactions processing under .Net: Space models under DirectX: Of course as the moroccan first foreign language is french I have written in french, but if any of the articles takes your interest and you want the translated version write a comment and put your mai...
Biztalk Server 2006: what is it about ? No application is an island. Whether we like it or not, tying systems together has become the norm. Yet connecting software is about more than just exchanging bytes. As organizations move toward a service-oriented world, the real goal—creating effective business processes that unite separate systems into a coherent whole—comes within reach.BizTalk Server 2006 supports this goal. Like its predecessors, this latest release allows connecting diverse software, then graphically creating and modifying process logic that uses that software. The product also lets information workers monitor running processes, interact with trading partners, and perform other business-oriented tasks. Built on the foundation of its predecessor, BizTalk Server 2004, this new release will look familiar to anyone who’s used this earlier version. The most important new additions in BizTalk Server 2006 are: · Better support for deploying, monitoring, and managing applications...
DirectX Managed Hi, It's a great pleasure for me to see that David Catuhe from Bewise steel keeps DirectX managed to the top level. I've seen David for the first time at the first North Africa Developers Conefrence in Tunis. His DirectX Managed show was excellent. In one of his recents articles about graphics under .Net (see it here: &tabid=15&AId=47) he was describing one lack of performance issue Managed DirectX developers have to face, and thus he proposed a way to improve the performance. Explaining how the using of tables slow down the program because of two phases of unmanaged resources manipulations, he recommanded the usage of GraphicsStream. Moreover he showned a way or using unsafe code so that the execution become four time fast.
ASP.NET authentication modes Hi all, Back to basic stuffs, I desire to speak a little about Microsoft ASP.NEt authentication method, taking it from a conceptual level and bring it to the code. It's true that many web sites talk about this subject what what's more interesting that associating concepts coming from theory to real world samples, and that's what we ' are going to do here. In this article we will see the tree forms of authentication we can use in ASP.NET applications, and we'll make a particular illustration of the Form authentication method. Of course the tree methos are: Windows authentication Forms authentication Passport authentication Windows authentication With Windows authentication, ASP.NEt does'nt rely on the application itself but on the operating system to authenticate the user. When the user requests a secure web page from the application, the request goes to Internet Information Services (IIS) . Then IIS compares the user's logon wit...
The role of BPEL in Business Process Integration The Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) is a vendor-neutral mechanism for describing the behavior of business processes. Originally created by Microsoft, IBM, and others, the latest version of this technology is currently being standardized by a larger group working through OASIS. The Value of BPEL BPEL is focused on describing business processes as interactions among web services. Consider a business process spread across multiple execution environments. In this example, the process runs partially on BizTalk Server 2004 and partially on an integration server from another vendor running on Windows or some other platform. The figure below illustrates how BPEL can be used to describe the interaction between the two implementations. As the figure shows, a BPEL definition can be used first to formalize the public interactions between the two parties participating in this business process, then to generate a baseline implementation of ...
Canonicalization issues ASP.NET 1.1 has an issues known as canonicalization issue. In fact canonicalization is the process by which all equivalent forms of a name were mapped to a standard unique name which is thus called the canonical form. According to Netcraft The security hole involves a bug in ASP.NET's handling of URLs, so taht if a visitor to an ASP.NET site substitutes '\' or '%5C' for the '/' character in the URL, they may be able to bypass authentication screens. The technique may also work if a space is subsituted for the slash.It also apparently allows authenticated users to bypass password protection on administrative areas of a site . But Microsoft published a pretty nice article in it's knowledge base which shows "how to bypass the issue". Remember that after being authenticated by an ASP.NET form we usually create an authentication cookie which contains users credential and others importants information (like roles informations)...
ASP.NET Canonicalization issues Many articles talk about ASP. NET canonicalization problem on the Net. But it seems to me like sometimes things are a little bit amplified. Canonicalization is the procedure that determine in which way many equivalent forms of a name are mapped to a unique form. The problem can be summarized by this : If a visitor to an ASP.NET site substitutes '\' or '%5C' for the '/' character in the URL, they may be able to bypass authentication screens. The technique may also work if a space is subsituted for the slash. Microsoft has published a pretty nice article that can be found there: . The article shows "how to bypass" the canonicalization issue. Of course in the area of programming, nothing has to be taken as so: but anything must be tested. The C# coding exemple published was like this:
my herd Hi all : I have a herd of sheep genetically lazy. There just only one birth from one generation to another. To know how many sheeps in the herd for the x teen generation I just have to ++ the preceding number. So to perform this computing in a nice way I have overloaded the ++ operator for my HerdOfSheep class: it looks like this: namespace SheepOperatorsSample { public class HerdOfSheep { private int number; public int Number { get { return number; } set { number = value; } } public static HerdOfSheep operator ++ (HerdOfSheep myHerd) { myHerd.Number++; return myHerd; } } }
Adding c# server - side scripts in a Web form Sometimes we are confronted to the necessity of adding some scripts in web forms. An important case of this usage is when we desire to cope with some controls like Repeaters. Budi Kurniawan has writen a nicve article on this subject : you can find it there:
Reselecting a datagrid row after sorting it Hello boys ( and eventuals ladies), nice day right ? Drew has writen a nice article there . It's about how to reselect a datagrid line after sorting it. You may read it it's really really nice.
Cacheability It could be sometimes usefull to prevent some web pages from being cached by the web browser so that when you use the back button of the browser you get the latest output from the server and not a cached one. Now we are going to see the main actions necessary for performing this task. In order to improve performance and because the experience has proven it's utility : web browsers generaly keeps cache of web pages they visit. If we nedd to stop such behavior here the way: Response.Cache.SetCacheability (HttpCacheability.NoCache); Response.Cache.SetAllowResponseInBrowserHistory(false); You may add these lines in the Page.Load event handler to see immediately the result. The firts method controls how documents are cached on the cache capable device by setting the Cache-Control HTTP header. "The second method SetAllowResponseInBrowserHistory indicates whether the response will be kept in browser History. Passing the value of false means the output will not be held in...
Working with SUBVERSION SUBVERSION is a nice tool. I'me planning to use it because of projects acces sharing with our partners. Unfortunately lke all unix world tools you need to cope with command line instructions to make it work. There is a great link which can help you at : Jo explains clearly everythings and here is to place to say "thank you Jo for the great job you have done". Hey don't forget VSS : it's still a nice tool
Writing effective adapters for Biztalk Server Introduction Many people, both within Microsoft and in third-party companies, have written successful adapters for Microsoft® BizTalk® Server. This task can be difficult, and this paper is intended to present some of the "tricks of the trade" that these developers have learned, in the hope that these will help others avoid common problems. This document is structured as a set of issues that programmers face when writing adapters, and provides guidelines for resolving these issues. These guidelines can be read in any order, although you may find that reading the whole document first will make the individual guidelines easier to understand. Effective Writing for Adapters Much of the complexity in writing adapters for BizTalk Server is centered on the problems of batched operations and that is what we will look at first. Operations, Messages, Batching, and Transactions Adapters commonly support sending messages to and receiving messa...
Hi, every body, My name is Landry Defo Kuate, i'm a software architect. All this year, my boss have the great idea certified our business whith the CMMI certification. to achieve this challenge, i mission was to develop some components that we can reuse in our software developement. In this series of articles, i want to speack of some of those components. I will base my talk on Microsoft preconise architecture for software developpement. So stay in touch on this blog for more information on who components can help pass the first and difficult level of CMMI certification. Buy
Nice things of this week Hi all, I have been spending half of the preceeding week coding a little usefull tool : let's say a metacode tool. How many time have you been written the same style business objects, having only accessors (getter and setter) and DAO (Data Acces Objects) functionalities changed. When you have done it twice, you are bored and you don't want to repeat it. That's why I have stopped all personnals stufs last saturday and have written a Developer experience librarie . Let me give more details about it. Okay first of all I have set up a basic data acces class with all necessary code to get in to my Sql server database. The tool enable me then to generate automaticcaly the objects acces and manipulations classes with respect to some little conventions. See the sample right there DevelopersExperienceLibraries.ObjectGenerator myGenerator = new DevelopersExperienceLibraries.ObjectGenerator(); System.Collections.ArrayList myTypes = new ArrayList(); DevelopersE...
Orchestrating web services with Biztalk Server BizTalk Server is the cornerstone product in Microsoft's business process and integration strategy. It is through BizTalk that Microsoft is providing the tools to enable developers to integrate applications, businesses, and EDI, and also orchestrate and coordinate information systems with the business users who drive those systems and their processes. In addition, BizTalk provides a developer experience integrated with Visual Studio, making BizTalk applications easier and more intuitive to develop, and integrating easily with existing Microsoft systems and tools that a business may already use. BizTalk currently has the distinction of being the only server product at Microsoft built primarily on the .NET Framework. The upcoming release of BizTalk Server 2006 extends BizTalk Server 2004 to provide new features for developers building orchestrations and integrating applications and simplifies creating orchestrations that consume or creat...
Waou Microsoft is taking us to the next level with VS 2005
Yeah we got it After many attemps to rise the interest of our customer for the fax solution we proposed, we finaly got them into a bullet. And of course Microsoft .Net had something to do with it. Our customer a great bank enterprise was hesitating between the world leader fax server solution and an open one despite of the fact that we had a lower price than the concurrent. The customer needed to have the fax solution performing very specifical tasks: that is things that were not offered as standard functionalities. So we try... catch it with Microsoft .Net. Taken the WeFly247 airplane, .Net come to rescue and rescue :) Yeah we got it
WinForm applications StartUp Path: No more talk, time has come now to code: let's start somewhere: anywhere in fact in this large world of multi - purpose development . Well I was working on an Office automation stuff. Having a word document repository folder in my .Net solution Folder let's say FolderA , and knowing that at execution time I'll be located into the FolderA\bin\Debug directory I supposed I could use something like @"..\..\doc" to get into the FolderA\docs directory. Why didn't it work ? I 'll know one day.But when your are coding on projects you don't have time to think a lot, you just have time to make things work as expected. So I didn't wait anymore : I used Application.StartupPath function, mixed it with something like Application.StartupPath.Substring(0, Application.StartupPath.Length-9) + "doc" and I could get the result. I will come back later to my "Zen of code Optimisation" book and see if something ther...
One way computers seems to act better than human brains: For multi task purposes, computer are powerful. The proof is that the last universal scientist was Henri Poincarré according to my "Classes Préparatoires" maths professor. So since 1900 humans were not able to perform many tasks the same time.... But listen, now there is a new age of scientist there, and it's defenders are some MVP, MCSD, MCAD and others MS events speakers. Their knowledge is really really huge : C# ASP.NET SQL SERVER BIZTALK SERVER Content Managment Server Internet Information Server CLS, CLI, .Net Framework, ILDASM, .... How do they do it ? I wonder if I will know one day. Some old folks says you can't know if you don't try: you have to try first. It means you have to be one of them....Uhhhhh ! Never will I be one of them.... unless.... I get my MCSD, my MCT and I take a little experience In software development, adding training experience to this and setting up the best of the best sof...
BizTalk Server Business Rules Framework Introduction BizTalk Server Business Rules Framework Conclusion Introduction Business rules guide the decision-making behavior of all business processes—they are the conditional criteria against which factual variables are evaluated to determine an appropriate business action. In conventional application design, business rules are coded as procedural implementation methods. Embedding business rules within applications has always been problematic because it compromises the effectiveness and versatility of the application, and consequently the business process the application is meant to enable. The limitations and inefficiencies of this development approach appear at every stage of the application’s development life cycle: • The development process requires a translation step to convert rule logic detailed in a functional specification to procedural implementation code. The rules include business facts, conditional statements, and so on. • When co...